Fabric (little scraps are perfect for this)
Selvage (or just strips) of matching fabric or ribbon (for the sides of the tin)
Fabric Glue
Spread Fabric glue onto one side of the tin.
Lay it face down onto wrong side of fabric. Flip it all over, smooth out any bumps or wrinkles. (not pictured)
When slightly dry, trim extra fabric off of tin.

Now starting in the back, apply glue to edge of bottom half of tin, attaching the fabric as you go around. (I used the selvage along here because it doesn't fray, but I'm sure regular fabric strips would work just as well.) It's ok if the strips are wider than the area, just let it hang off the bottom and trim it later like you did with the top and bottom pieces.

After you've trimmed off any over hang fabric, the outside is finished. All you have to do now is cut two pieces of felt (I used pinking shears) to fit inside your tin, glue them in with the fabric glue, and you're done!
Too cute, thanks for taking the time to show us your great idea.
ack! such a cute idea!! and i think i still have some tins that i didnt give away!!
would you mind if i linked to your tute on my blog? your tutes are great!!! i wonder if some mod podge or gel medium would protect the fabric???
Thank you!! Yes, of course Susan! :)
I think the mod podge would be a great idea! Oh, but do you think you'd still feel the texure of the fabric?
Thank you! I love easy and logical, and this project is both easy and logical.
love this idea. where did you get your "altoid-like" tins? i tried to find some for some magnets i made to give as gifts but couldn't find any! This would make that gift even cuter.
SarahJeanne, I bought my tins at this web address. Easy peasy!
This is so cute! Wonderful idea for a travel kit. Might have to make some of these for Christmas Stockings. Thank you so much! Wonderful blog!
What a super cute idea! I love this.
Thank you so much...I love this idea.I used these tins to store my ear buds in , but never thought of covering them. Nice.
I love your idea! I found it because Mark Lipinski linked to it. I look forward to seeing more cute ways to recycle "stuff."
Very cute. I think I would place the tin on top of fabric---then draw around it...then cut that out. I am lousy at cutting once something is on. Need to buy those tins.
Love this idea! Have a half-full Altoids tin which will be getting this treatment very soon! :o)
Oh what an amazing idea! Thank you soooo much!
So cute! This is definatly one for me to do for a manner of things for myself and as gifts for others!
I'd probably edge the sides first before the bottom though so any messy trimming of my edges gets covered up by the bottom part xxx
Great tutorial. Thanks!
These are adorable...XoXo
Thanks so much for your cute tutorial! I posted this on my blog on the tutorial page.
Great tutorial thanks- perfect for a wee surprise gift for a friend:)
I really like this idea. It would also work to hold business cards ^.^
These are ADORABLE- Thank you for the idea and instructions!
These are really cute! Would make great gifts! Thanks for the tutorial
It's so cute thank for the tutorial
These are great to give gift cards in, or for a pill container for your purse! I've also made them but spray painted them & prettied them up with beads & other craft trinkets!
Thanks for the tip. I tried using different materials and it didn't work. I'll try your way now!!! Thanks
I tried using different materials and it didn't work. Thanks for the tip and I will try again. I was trying to make a magnet needle holder case.
I bought two pattern boxes of gthe tins to make someting for a family reunion..now I have renewed intrest and I love the idea someone mentioned to put business cards in...would especially be neat for personal cards with saying or scripture to share
Love this. I have saved Bie cheese containers and I'm gonna try this instead of paper decopage. Thanks
I have given the altoid containers, and all that cool ducktape to my grandsons 7-14 and they made cool "army camo tanks",(by placing a small altoid container on top of the regular containter), wild "hotrod" "zoo",pink for girls.. the duck tape really works well on altoid containers.
I have covered these with paper for my grandson. But the idea of fabric or duct tape adds a whole new dimension. I keep a tin in my purse with almonds to eat when I'm running errands, get hungry and don't want to stop for fast food. Thanks for the great ideas.
I use these when I do bead work. If you make one of the inside felt liners black and one white, the beads show up beautifully depending on their color. Leave your scissors and needles (which are secured in a small piece of felt)inside the tin and everything is set to go. Love to upcycle!
I finally purchased all the items required to make these tins. I'd acquired several boxes of tins knowing that I'd find something to do with them someday so this is perfect. Thanks so much for the step by step directions
Oh my, these are adorable! I have several Altoid tins but since they now come embossed on the top, I didn't think covering them would look too good. Did you use the actual Altoid tins, or some that you purchased that were smooth on top? I just today found your blog and look forward to seeing more of your projects.
I love the idea for your altoid tins, so precious. I have been searching for tins for my pins, this should work fine.
Thank You so much.
How do I get to your etsy shop?
so smart, love it!
I know it's an old post now, but I just discovered that Trader Joe's sells their own "Altoids," in a container that is NOT embossed--perfect! :)
I always wondered what to do with these tins since my hubby buys them quite often. What a clever and easy idea. TY
I will make these, putting a "book-like" set of felt (3 or 4)inside, after lining them and use them to hold earrings when I travel. I will need to experiment a little to get this right. I love your idea. I have quite of few of these times, because I save them when the mints are gone!!!
Is there any other glue that will work?
Wow! Thanks for sharing this idea. It's beautiful and very creative of you. dress fabrics
I’m writing to you on behalf of Disney’s Babble.com. We’d love to include one of your crafts (above) and photos in a post on our site. Both can be found at this link on your blog:
Would you be willing to give us permission to use your photos on our site and social pages? We will link back to your site and give you proper photo credit.
Please let me know if you are interested.
Kimberly Zapata
Writer/Freelancer, Babble.com
Thank you for the great tutorial. Now trying to get everyone I know to buy and use Altoids or anything in a tin box!
I just buy the altoids tons and put the mints in a cute glass container. 2 for one
What a great idea!Are u selling this?
Why wait? Why not have a beautiful altoid tin that actually contain mints?
Altoids are in the check-out lines at grocery stores.
Buy on amazon there is a variety of tins .
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