Tuesday, May 5, 2009

for the birds

I found this idea (can't remember where!) last year while looking for something else and I thought it was so fun. So I thought I'd try it. Just fill a suet feeder with scraps of yarn and strings from fabric and hang it outside for the birds to collect to add to their nests. I used only natural fibers - mostly cotton and linen and a bit of wool and I made sure they were all pretty short so no one gets tangled. I hung it by the feeders in hopes that they would notice it. I haven't seen anyone on it yet but I'll keep watching. :)


Julie said...

LOVE this idea!!!

Erin said...

great idea!! :) this will make for some beautiful nests!

gina said...

this is a great idea - thank you so much for sharing it! I'm totally going to try it :)

I had to stop putting suet out because the starlings would just eat it all in one day so this is a great way for me to use the cage.

Unknown said...

hey hi!! :) any updates on this? did it work?

Elena Cole said...

I love this creative idea for helping birds build their nests.